Transferring Your Academic Credits
At St. Edward’s, we’ll work with you to get the most from your transfer credits. To get started, review the following details on our transfer policies and procedures for receiving academic credit through examinations, courses and programs.
Transfer Credit Policies
Transfer credits are accepted by St. Edward’s under the following policies:
- Credit may be granted for work completed at four-year foreign institutions with compatible liberal arts curriculum. In cases where sufficient resources are not available to make a satisfactory determination of credit, the evaluation is undertaken by a private agency at student’s expense. (Work is evaluated according to American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) guidelines.)
- No more than 66 hours of junior college or community college credit may be transferred.
- Entering students must have official transcripts of all prior work on file within one semester of initial registration or be subject to dismissal.
- Transfer credit will not be awarded for any prior work completed at any institution that is not listed on the student’s admission application form.
- Proprietary (for-profit) and single-purpose institutions, including vocational/technical programs, are excluded. Exceptions may be made if the courses are recognized traditional academic courses and are the equivalent of courses currently offered at St. Edward’s.
- Only courses in which a student has earned a grade of C– or higher will be accepted. A grade of “pass” will be considered on a case-by-case basis for transfer students prior to matriculation only.
- Courses determined by St. Edward’s to be developmental, remedial or preparatory are not eligible for the assignment of transfer credit (i.e. courses beginning with 0).
- The grades for work transferred will not apply toward the cumulative grade-point average.
- No more than four hours of transfer credit will be accepted for any fall or spring semester in which a student is concurrently enrolled at St. Edward’s and another college or university.
- Transcripts submitted to St. Edward’s for transfer evaluation become the permanent property of St. Edward’s and cannot, under any circumstances, be returned to the student. St. Edward’s will not generate copies of transcripts that originated at other institutions.
Quarter Hour Transfer Conversion Chart: Use the chart to convert quarter hour credit to semester hour credit.
Transfer Credit Equivalency Guides: The Equivalency Guides include information for Austin Community College, Houston Community College, Lone Star College and San Jacinto College.
Transfer Advising Guides: The Transfer Advising Guides include detailed degree information designed to help transfer students maximize credit transfer between the two-year college and St. Edward's University. These include general education and major course requirements--both transferrable and in-residence.
A partnership between Austin Community College and St. Edward’s University allows eligible transfer students to complete their ACC associate degree through a process called reverse transfer. For more information, visit the Austin Community College Reverse Transfer site.
Transfer credits may be accepted by St. Edward’s only if they were earned in a college or university that has been accredited by one of the following recognized regional accrediting commissions:
- New England Association of Schools and Colleges — Commission on Institutions of Higher Learning
- Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools/Commission on Higher Education
- North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
- Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools — Commission on Colleges
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Transfer Equivalency Self-Service Tool
The SEU Transfer Equivalency Self-Service tool has been developed to help you determine how the courses you have taken at other universities/colleges will transfer and be used to earn a degree at St. Edward's University. Follow the Steps Below to Get Started!
For best results, create a login account so that you can save your transfer and degree evaluations and return to it at later date for updating courses completed and intended degrees. If you are returning to the SEU Transfer Equivalency Self-Service tool and cannot recall your password, please email with your name and email address used to create the account in order to have a new password generated.
- When do you plan to enroll?
- Select the semester you will first enroll at SEU.
- What is your intended program?
- Programs are listed in alphabetical order beginning with degree and followed by major.
- BA = Bachelor of Arts (ex. Communication, Graphic Design, Psychology, Visual Studies)
- BBA = Bachelor of Business Administration (ex. Business, Finance, Marketing)
- BFA = Bachelor of Fine Arts (ex. Acting)
- BS = Bachelor of Science (ex. Behavioral Neuroscience, Biology, Computer Science, Math)
- Programs are listed in alphabetical order beginning with degree and followed by major.
- What is your intended level?
- This answer is limited based on program chosen, choose the selection that appears in the dropdown.
- What is your intended college?
- This answer is limited based on program chosen, choose the selection that appears in the dropdown.
- What degree will you pursue?
- This answer is limited based on program chosen, choose the selection that appears in the dropdown.
- What is your intended major?
- This answer is limited based on program chosen, choose the selection that appears in the dropdown.
- What is your intended concentration?
- If the major you have chosen includes a concentration, the options will be listed in the dropdown menu and you can select the one desired.
- If the major you have chosen does not include concentrations, the only option will be "none"; select this and continue.
- Would you like to add a minor?
- SEU offers a large selection of minors to complement your chosen major; if you would like to add a minor, please choose one from the drop down menu.
If you do not have any transfer credits to enter, click "No, I'm done" to go directly to your audit results.
If you do have transfer credits to enter, click on "Enter Transfer Credits" and follow the instructions below:
- First find your college/university and then click on your selection.
- You can use the search box to find a college/university by name, city or state.
- If you cannot find the name of your college/university, use the TX Common Crs Sys Institution--here you will find a list of lower-division courses/titles offered by most Texas institutions--this can also be used for universities outside of Texas by searching by title of course in the next step. Click here for more information about the Texas Common Course Numbering System.
- Next, select your first class (and if we have the course in our system) you’ll be able to add it to your transfer work.
- You can use the search box to find a course by title (ex. English), discipline (ex. ENGL) or number (ex. 1301)
- Once a class is selected, answer the following questions:
- When was this course completed?
- Enter the term in which you took the course (ex. Fall 2019)
- If you do not see the term in which you took the course listed, choose the closest term available (ex. Spring 2010 = Fall 2016)
- How many credits did you receive?
- How many hours was the course worth (ex. 3)
- What was your grade?
- Select the grade you earned for the course.
- Grades of D and below are not listed here because these grades do not allow for the transfer of credit.
- Select the grade you earned for the course.
- What type of credits?
- Semester credits are most typical; institutions with semester credits generally have Fall, Spring and Summer terms, with only Fall and Spring terms required
- Quarter credits are less common; institutions with quarter credits generally have Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer terms, with Fall, Winter and Spring terms required.
- When was this course completed?
- If you have more than one course from the selected institution, click on the box next to "Add another class from this school" before clicking on "Proceed"
- If you are finished adding courses from the institution, uncheck the box next to "Add another class from this school" and click on “Proceed”.
Please include courses from all institutions you have previously attended or are currently attending.
If a course that you have completed at another institution is not found, that is an indicator that we have not previously evaluated the course. You can get in touch with the Office of Admission for any questions you may have.
Please note that the transfer and degree evaluation reports that you have created are NOT official. Rather, they should be used as a guide to help you understand how your classes taken at previous institutions may transfer to St. Edward's University and may apply to degree requirements.
Your degree audit can also be downloaded as a PDF for printing purposes.
Official transfer and degree evaluations are not completed until you have submitted your official transcripts and you are fully admitted to St. Edward's University.
For more information on how to apply or to check your application status, please contact the Office of Admission.
What is SEU Transfer Equivalency Self-Service? | SEU Transfer Equivalency Self-Service is a program that allows students to enter in their transfer courses to see how it will translate towards a degree they wish to attain at the St. Edward's University. Once you provide all of your information, you will be shown an audit for that degree. |
How do I access SEU Transfer Equivalency Self-Service? | You can access the SEU transfer equivalency self-service website on any computer, tablet or phone with an internet connection. |
Why isn’t my transfer work meeting a requirement? | There are several reasons why transfer work may not meet a requirement.
What if the course I completed at another institution is not found? | Do not be concerned if a course that you have completed at another institution is not found, that is an indicator that we have not previously evaluated the course. Contact the Office of Admission for further information. |
How do I know which classes I need to take? | Your Degree Audit displays the courses needed to meet each block of your degree. You are welcome to contact the Office of Admission to discuss the appropriate courses based on your career interests. |
How can I print the Results page? | Click the “Download PDF” button at the bottom of the Results screen. You can then save or print the PDF through your web browser. |
Are the results I receive official? | No the results that you receive are not official but should be used as a guide to help you understand how your classes taken at previous institutions may transfer to St. Edward's University and may apply to degree requirements. Official transfer and degree evaluations are not completed until you have submitted your official transcripts and you are fully admitted to St. Edward's University. |
Requesting to Take Courses Off Campus
Before registering for any credit-generating course(s) offered at an institution other than St. Edward’s, a student must obtain and complete a Request to Take Courses Off Campus Form and submit it to his or her academic advisor. Prior to the student’s enrollment at another institution, the form must list the specific courses to be taken and the St. Edward’s equivalents, have the appropriate signatures attached and be on file with each of the following:
- the Office of the Registrar
- the advisor
- the student’s dean
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that these requirements are fulfilled. Credit may not be retroactively accepted if the student fails to complete this process or enrolls in courses other than those approved by the advisor/dean.
- The transfer of college credit from another institution may also be limited by the residency requirement for graduation and the general academic policies of St. Edward’s University.
- For continuing students, official transcripts of work completed at another institution must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar within the student’s next long semester at St. Edward’s. Failure to do so may result in the student being barred from future registrations. Transcripts stamped “issued to student” will not be accepted unless received from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope.
Texas General Education Core Complete
Texas General Education Core Complete Students certified as core complete by a state of Texas public institution of higher education before enrolling at St. Edward’s University are not required to take additional general education courses outside those embedded within the major. The requirements to meet this status are as follows:
- The relevant coursework must be completed prior to enrollment at St. Edward’s University and “core complete” must be indicated on the official transcript on file within the student’s initial semester of enrollment. Core complete status is not retroactive and having an associate’s degree does not confirm core complete status.
- Core complete status cannot be accepted from schools outside of Texas or from other Texas private institutions.
- Core complete students are still responsible for any general education requirements embedded within their major/minor curricula, such as Mission Marker requirements or the Culminating Experience.
Students who have taken general education courses at other universities, but are not certified as Texas general education core complete, will transfer in credit according to the policies outlined under “General Education Transfer Credit."
General Education Transfer Credit
The following list indicates transfer courses that may be substituted for St. Edward’s University general education requirements. Refer to “Transfer of Credits” for general policies that apply.
Writing and Rhetoric I*— Any Rhetoric and Composition I
*Note: A transfer student who receives transfer credit for WRIT 2302 but not WRIT 1301 must earn credit for WRIT 1301 by passing the course with a minimum grade of C or by making an acceptable score on the CLEP College Composition test.
Writing and Rhetoric II*— Any Rhetoric and Composition II
*Note: Students entering St. Edward’s as first-time freshmen must take at least one semester of writing and rhetoric courses on campus. Students who enroll with AP or dual-enrollment writing credit will take WRIT 2302 after completing at least 24 hours of courses numbered 1000 or higher. (AP and dual-enrollment credits will be honored as college credits but cannot fulfill the entire six-credit-hour writing and rhetoric proficiency requirement.)
Quantitative Reasoning— College Math for Liberal Arts; College Algebra or higher; Statistics
Oral Communication Speech— oral communication or presentational speaking courses in English
Modern Language*— Six hours of one contemporary modern language
Exploring Artistic Works— Any approved literature, art history, or theater/arts analysis course
Creativity and Making— Introductory-level coursework focused on producing a body of creative work in visual, performance, or literary arts
Diverse American Perspectives— US History I or II; US or State Government; or an approved history/sociology course with a minorities topic
Global Perspectives— World Civilization I or II; Western Civilization II; Comparative Politics; or an approved course that includes analysis of diverse global perspectives and moral and ethical analysis
Natural Science— Any natural science course with lab
Studies in Theology and Religion— Any RELS course; PHIL 1304; Introduction to World Religions accepted from 2-year institutions in the state of Texas; students taking PHIL 1304 outside the state must have the course approved
Ethics— Any PHIL course with “ethics” in the title
Credit by Examination
It is possible for students enrolled at St. Edward’s University to earn credit by examination through several external programs. The university participates in these programs:
- Advanced Placement Program (AP) and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), both of which are administered by the College Entrance Examination Board
- Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES), a program made available by the Educational Testing Service (ETS)
- ACT Proficiency Examination Program (PEP)
For specific information regarding AP and CLEP credit at St. Edward’s, visit the Academic Affairs Credit by Exam and Placement webpage.
In addition, credit may be available to graduates of the International Baccalaureate Program (IB), French Baccalaureate courses or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). (See credits below.) For information, consult the associate vice president for Academic Affairs, the Office of Admission or Academic Counseling and Exploration.
Students with unusually thorough high school preparation or significant work experience are encouraged to earn credit by challenging courses offered by the university. In this way, a student’s progress toward a degree may be accelerated. A maximum of 15 hours of challenge credit may be counted. Procedures for challenging a course are found in the Student Handbook. Each school determines which of its courses are open to challenge. Only currently enrolled students are eligible for challenge exams.
Credit granted by examination is applicable to a St. Edward’s University degree program but may not necessarily be transferable to another institution. Examination credit counts in neither the residence hours nor honors calculations. It is necessary to make arrangements to complete all CLEP, DANTES, PEP and challenge examinations prior to certification for graduation. Test scores may take up to six weeks to arrive.
All examination scores must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by:
- July 1 for summer term graduation
- Oct. 1 for fall semester graduation
- March 1 for spring semester graduation
All examination credit appears on the transcript as CR and does not affect the GPA in any way.
St. Edward’s recognizes the IB and awards credit for higher-level courses of 5 or better. All IB work is subject to evaluation by the associate vice president for Academic Affairs or by school deans. No credit is given for subsidiary-level courses. Students will be granted credit on an individual, course-by-course basis.
Credit may be granted to students earning qualifying scores on Advanced Level General Certificate of Education (A-Level) exams; however, Ordinary Level General Certificate of Education (O-Level) exams are not eligible for credit. Credit will be granted for GCE A-Level or AS-Level (Subsidiary) exam grades of C or better. A-Level exams will be granted a maximum of 6–8 credits per exam, while AS-Level exams will be granted a maximum of 3–4 credits per exam; not to exceed a maximum of 32 total credits. Equivalencies for exam credit will be granted on a course-by-course basis.
Credit may be granted for French Baccalaureate courses with a coefficient of 4 or higher. Within this level of courses, examination scores of 13 or higher may earn a maximum of 6–8 credits per exam not to exceed a maximum of 32 total credits. Equivalencies for exam credit will be granted on a course-by-course basis.
Credit may be granted to students earning qualifying scores on the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE). Credit will be granted for scores of I, II or III. For each eligible exam, a maximum of 6–8 credits will be granted, not to exceed a maximum of 32 total credits. Equivalencies for exam credit will be granted on a course-by-course basis.
Credit for Military Experiences
St. Edward’s University will accept credits earned through the USAFI or DANTES program and will grant credit for military educational experiences in accordance with the recommendations of the American Council on Education.